Radiological Purchases
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This procedure is to be used as a tool for the novice purchaser and also as a review for established personnel. The following information will be the minimum required in obtaining an order in a timely manner. Most of the information requested can be obtained from the vendors' catalog applicable to the particular isotope.
- The name of the nuclide requested- (P-32) The physical description- (alpha datp)
- The catalog number- (CAT. # AH3234). The specified Curie amount of the order- (50 mCi.).
- The name of the RLS requesting the order- (Dr. Einstein).
- The approved Purchase Order #- (6-xxxxx).
- Date required for timely arrival Quote information so that purchasing will not have to back track discounted prices.
Most of the data requested above should be centrally located in the body portion of a standard purchase requisition. The listing of the above information should be in a logical order that is easy to interpret. For questions, contact CEHS.